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Previous Messages
Be Still
Pastor Joshua preaches about how to have peace even during the storms and battles in life. It's impo...
Legends of the Old Testament - Week 5
Pastor Heath preaches about Elijah and reminds us that "It's Not Over"!
Four pieces of advice Pas...
Legends of the Old Testament - Week 4
Pastor Tamarah preaches about the importance of honoring and obeying God in our relationship with Hi...
Legends of the Old Testament - Week 3
Pastor Heath preaches about Moses and the importance of the presence of God. "Every moment holds the...
Legends of the Old Testament - Week 2
Pastor Liana preaches about how we all have something to bring to the body of Christ and God's house...
Legends of the Old Testament Week 1
Pastor Joshua kicks off our series, "Legends of the Old Testament", talking about Moses. Be encourag...
Joyride pt. 2
Pastor Heath inspires us by reminding us that joy is not dependent on our situation. Joy comes from ...