Next Steps
Growth Track
Growth Track is a great way to discover your God-given passions, giftings, and how we can partner with you to use them! You will also discover the mission and vision of Horizon, along with steps for getting connected here. Growth Track happens at 12:30pm the first 3 Sundays of the month with Step One, Step Two, and Step Three.
It is located in our Growth Track room in the Kids Church Building. Free childcare is available in the Little Kids' Classes during Growth Track for children aged 3 months - 5th grade. We can't wait to see you there!

Our Best Lives are Lived in Community
Life is better lived in community. Horizon GROUPS are designed to help you build friendships with those who have similar interests to you. Whether it’s hiking, drinking coffee, eating, crafting, talking, or studying the Bible together - there’s a GROUP for you! Horizon GROUPS run in 8-week sessions during fall, winter, and spring.

Find A Group

Become A Group Leader

I have decided
We love others when we serve others.
When we serve, we are becoming more and more like Jesus! So many of our serve team members have found that when we serve, we find purpose and fulfillment. There is joy in being a part of the mission of the church and helping create opportunities for people to encounter God! The first step to joining a serve team at Horizon is to attend Growth Track.